D2P Rep Search made our first search for a rep agency labor free, extremely quick and cost efficient. Overall it was a great success!
– Alumacast, LLC
D2P Rep Search’s services offered us more opportunities to qualified Manufacturer’s Representatives than any other single service and by far the fastest turn around we ever experienced.
– Maryland Thermoform Corporation
D2P Rep Search has been an asset in helping us develop a national outside sales organization. After having invested valuable hours searching on my own through the various papers, websites, and rep organizations it was refreshing to find a service that works. I’ve found that D2P Rep Search is a virtual hands off approach to finding a qualified rep. One conversation with D2P Rep Search, and applicants starting coming in, sometimes the same day.
In the last year I have added three (3) new rep organizations, resulting in a 35% growth.
– Dynamic Stampings, Inc.
I was extremely satisfied with results I obtained from D2P Rep Search. I had, for a number of months, been looking for sales reps on my own using the membership lists of various Sales Representative organizations as leads and either sending Emails or calling these organizations directly. Since I had only been successful in one of the four territories I was trying to fill, I decided to try their service. The results were almost immediate with responses from a number of well qualified sales representatives. I was able to narrow down my search by the information supplied in their responses and make my final selections after interviews and visits. In each case, the sales rep found through D2P Rep Search has worked out well.
– Truex Inc.
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